Membership Cost


Family Direct Care Pricing

Reduced family pricing is available when 2 or more family members sign on.

Monthly Membership
Age 11 yrs - 17 yrs
Age 18 yrs - 44 yrs 
Age 45 yrs - 64 yrs
65 +yrs
One time registration fee of $100 per person. Registration fee not to exceed $200 per family. Patient will be charged on the first of the month for the following month.

Registration fee will increase by an additional $100 with every re-enrollment. Re-enrollment only occurs if patient decides to dis-enroll from FDC’s services then re-enroll at a later date.
Family Direct Care is not health insurance. Membership provides affordable care for most of your family's medical needs. FDC recommends purchasing insurance. FDC members are usually able to choose higher deductible coverage, ultimately saving significantly on healthcare costs.  
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